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Jailhouse Frontend
(10 votes)

Released on August 6, 2023 - RVGL 23.0501a1 (or newer) required!
This is a frontend based on the famous Jailhouse Rock track by human. The frontend is fully functional, including working car selection screen and trophy ceremony. I decided to not implement a name wheel, as I think it would not fit the theme very well.
Track Mod
Sakura: HD-Plants
(12 votes)

Released on June 27, 2023 - In March 2019 I did a track-skin for Human's awesome Sakura track.
The tree- and grass-textures never met the rest of the tracks quality, so I replaced some of them with higher quality versions. The download also includes a new skybox and a new preview picture. No other files were touched. This means...
Track Mod
ToySoldierz: Reversed
(5 votes)

Released on June 27, 2023 - In March 2019 I did a Reversed Version for Skitch2’s track ToySoldierz. The upgrade does not touch any files from the normal track version, so it's 100% Online multiplayer compatible with the original track. The download also includes a new stock-like track picture.
The track is about 100m shorter...
Track Mod
Radioactive Garden: Reversed
(6 votes)

Released on June 27, 2023 - In April 2019 I did a Reversed Version for Urnemanden’s track Radioactive Garden. The upgrade does not touch any files from the normal track version, so it's 100% Online multiplayer compatible with the I/O pack version of the track. The download also includes a new track picture.
The Reversed Version...
Track Mod
Jailhouse Rock: Reversed
(6 votes)

Released on June 27, 2023 - In June 2019 I made a Reverse Version for Human’s Jailhouse Rock. The upgrade does not touch any files from the track’s normal version, so it’s 100% Online multiplayer compatible with the I/O-Pack version from Jailhouse Rock.
The Reverse Version follows exactly the same path as the normal version....
Hood Frontend: Winter
(26 votes)

Released on December 6, 2021 - RVGL 20.0210a (or newer) required!
This is the winter version of the Hood Frontend. The Hood Frontend was the very first fully functional custom frontend for Re-Volt, using all the possibilities RVGL introduced for frontend customization in the last years. Navigate the main menu through the iconic Toys...
Simple Frontend: Blue
(10 votes)

Released on September 4, 2021 - This is a frontend in minimal and clean style. Trophy ceremony is working. The whole frontend has below 20 polygons. Comes with custom menu navigation sounds, replacing the toy-like sounds from the default frontend. Beside the menu navigation, there is no SFX. Menu music is default Redbook 0.
The frontend...
Simple Frontend: Red
(9 votes)

Released on September 4, 2021 - This is a frontend in minimal and clean style. Trophy ceremony is working. The whole frontend has below 20 polygons. Comes with custom menu navigation sounds, replacing the toy-like sounds from the default frontend. Beside the menu navigation, there is no SFX. Menu music is default Redbook 0.
The frontend...
Hood Frontend: Spring
(26 votes)

Released on May 2, 2021 - RVGL 20.0210a (or newer) required!
This is the spring version of the Hood Frontend. The Hood Frontend was the very first fully functional custom frontend for Re-Volt, using all the possibilities RVGL introduced for frontend customization in the last years. Navigate the main menu through the iconic Toys...
Diamond Trophy Mod
(13 votes)

Released on March 11, 2021 - The Diamond Trophy Mod is a modification for the Default Re-Volt Frontend.
It adds an additional trophy model including zoom for the new custom cup feature introduced in RVGL 20.1230a. The trophy was made by Trixed.
The download also adds a new custom cup made by Xarc: The Diamond Cup. For this cup you...
Sprint Cup
(8 votes)

Released on March 11, 2021 - This custom cup was also included as a bonus in the Toy World Frontend. I want to use the new upload feature for Cups on Re-Volt World, to also provide it to you as a standalone download.
For best experience choose a good Semi-Pro car. For more challenge, choose a weak Semi-Pro car, or an Advanced rated...
Toy-World Frontend
(18 votes)

Released on December 4, 2020 - My newest creation...a frontend located in the Toy World scenario.
Choose the frontend in the "Options" -> "Select Frontend" menu option, after you downloaded and installed the track.
The Toy World Frontend got a major update!
A custom trophy will now show for custom cups (Thx Trixed for the trophy)
Hood Frontend: Autumn
(15 votes)

Released on October 5, 2020 - RVGL 20.0210a (or newer) required!
The Hood Frontend was the very first fully functional custom frontend for Re-Volt, using all the possibilities RVGL introduced for frontend customization in the last years. Navigate the main menu through the iconic Toys in the Hood starting area, in the modern version...
Hood Frontend: Summer
(18 votes)

Released on September 11, 2020 - RVGL 20.0210a (or newer) required!
This is the very first fully functional custom frontend for Re-Volt, using all the possibilities RVGL introduced for frontend customization in the last years. Navigate the main menu through the iconic Toys in the Hood starting area, in the modern version I initially...
3D Resource
Kiwi instance
(9 votes)

Released on December 19, 2024 - If you are ever in the need for some vitamins, here is your personal kiwi instance for placing at your next track.
Comes with...
Texture sheet (512 x 512 px, PNG format)
Instance mesh (.prm), 143 faces
Collision mesh (.ncp), 15 faces
(1) My creations can be redistributed in any...
3D Resource
Tomato-Bomb for track makers
(4 votes)

Released on June 9, 2022 - This is a pack of several files which can be used by Re-Volt track makers to include a tomato-bomb, replacing the water balloon in their track.
Comes with:
Tomato 3d model (wbomb.m)
Custom fxpage2.bmp for a new weapon selection icon
Custom fxpage3.bmp for the tomato splash effect
SFX (wbombhit.wav)...
Misc. Resource
Rain Pack for track makers
(4 votes)

Released on June 9, 2022 - This is a pack of several files, which can be used by Re-Volt track makers to include rain and thunderstorm effects to a track.
Comes with:
A custom properties.txt to add water and heavy water surface properties
A custom fxpage1.bmp which will be used for custom spark effects
6 rain related SFX (rain,...
3D Resource
BMX Model
(9 votes)

Released on June 6, 2022 - Initially I've modelled this BMX for the use in my track School's Out! 2. Since this, I also reused it at other places, like in my Hood Frontends.
Now it's available for all Re-Volt track creators out there, as the first 3D Resource available at Re-Volt World!
Comes with...
Texture sheet (512 x 512...
(6 votes)

Released on September 27, 2023 - This is the third release of my zzzTools series.Use this level to test and optimize the acceleration of cars.
This track comes with some handy features:
Easy to find by typing in "zzz" in the track selection screen, or just scroll one track left when having selected Toys in the Hood 1.
Can be used in...
(7 votes)

Released on September 24, 2023 - The second release of my zzzTools series.Use this level to test and optimize the top-speed of cars.
Some people use tc6 by "The Me and Me" to test the topspeed of their cars, but I've decided to make a better track for the same purpose. This version has some handy features:
Easy to find by...
(18 votes)

Released on September 15, 2023 - The first release of my new zzzTools series:Use this level as a base to work on stock-like Re-Volt carboxes.
I know there is a similar level floating around somewhere, but with this release it's now public available and easy to find for everyone. I "built" this level from scratch and implemented a few...