Standard Track Hello Kitty
Released on November 30, 2013 - This track requires Revolt version 1.2 to display the 512x512 textures.
* Custom music and animated models.
* Tools: 3D Studio Max 2010, ASE Tools, mkmirror and PaintShop Pro X5.
Standard Track Avalon
Released on September 16, 2013 - This track requires Revolt version 1.2 to display the 512x512 textures.
* Tools: 3D Studio Max 2010, ASE Tools, mkmirror and PaintShop Pro X5.
* Custom skybox, animated models and music.
Standard Track Sunset Hills
Released on August 20, 2013 - A full throttle race around the community of Sunset Hills
* Custom skybox, animated models and music with Revolt version 1.2
* Tools: 3D Studio Max 2010, ASE Tools, mkmirror and PaintShop Pro X5
Standard Track Germanic Park
Released on July 16, 2013 - Constructed by raf24. Modified and optimized by hilaire9.
Standard Track Wipeout 2097
Released on November 8, 2012 - Caution to content creators/streamers: the track contains music that might get flagged for copyright.
Standard Track White Rose Chapel
Released on January 17, 2008 - Race around White Rose Chapel's courtyard garden.
All textures from Urban Terror 4.1
* Tools: 3ds Max 5, ASE Tools, MAKEITGOOD edit modes,
and Paint Shop Pro 9.