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Toy World 3
Standard Track

Thursday, 9th June 2022

Bring back the planes, let them fly again :c

Track Editor (Unity Edition)

Thursday, 19th May 2022

At the current time I believe that this is almost a 1:1 port of the original Track Editor from Acclaim plus the additional QoL changes that were brought with Unity. I think the creator will add new features in the future so there is nothing to worry about, it's just a matter of time.

Track Editor (Unity Edition)

Monday, 16th May 2022

You can put the track editor in a pack in the packs folder (like this C:\Users\Vas0sky\RVGL\packs\track-editor\), then you create a new folder called "editor" (C:\Users\Vas0sky\RVGL\packs\track-editor\editor\) and a folder called "levels" (C:\Users\Vas0sky\RVGL\packs\track-editor\levels\). This way newly exported tracks will directly go in the track-editor pack and you can disable them directly from the launcher.

Stick Cup Part I

Monday, 23rd August 2021

You need to install the listed tracks to race the cup, you can find them here on Re-Volt World.