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Clockwork Rotor
Misc. Car

Wednesday, 5th June 2024

Little, cutie and goofy clockwork rotor :3

Misc. Car

Wednesday, 5th June 2024

chip *Funky town plays* (He so funny I just live it hehehe XD)

Advanced Car

Tuesday, 4th June 2024

I like it the car but I think the car is just hard to control is very heavy but it's good two, the skins a very beautiful especially the one give a future car vibe, and the speed and parameters is very nice! I like it the car very good, is very good and goofy. Good job rodik! Because you just do good things :3

Advanced Car

Tuesday, 4th June 2024

Let's be real, how needs 4 wheels instead you can have 6! I like it, is cool, funny even cutie Good job rodik because I like it!

Fulon X LiTE
Rookie Car

Monday, 3rd June 2024

Is literally fulon x but better! For me he needs to be different of he old design like, a new design and i think new parameters. But whatever is still a good rc car :3 especially for beginners

Ford Mondeo BTCC
Semi-Pro Car

Monday, 3rd June 2024

I like it very much, the models is ok, the car speed is literally super fast hehehe, he is too heavy to control but is cool to doing drifts. I liked very much keeping doing you job, because this car is very cool :D

ToySoldierz 2024
Standard Track

Sunday, 2nd June 2024

I gonna be real... I LOVED THIS TRACK Dude everything is perfect The raceline, the music even the tank apparence is incredible For a remake from a old track is so literally super and hyper great is literally revoltastic! Keeping doing this things dude, because is amazing Also welcome back Sktich :D