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Hop on RVGL

Saturday, 27th July 2024

This in fact made my stomach turn on the spot when you showed it to me. I loathe it! 3/5 wouldn't throw up dinner again.

Semi-Pro Car

Sunday, 11th February 2024

No flippable car is truly free from issues: They're a necessary compromise for an unconventional setting that rarely gets used nowadays (and it's a shame, as I personally love the premise of Rotor). But even with its ever-present flaws - its gargantuan size hampering recovery, its tendency to lose control over uneven or sloped terrain and even the self-detonating issues - But once getting used to, Current becomes a quirky yet fun pick for singleplayer racing. It's quick, Really flexible for its size and incredibly resilient to pickup combat. I think it is a proper take of what a proper "Competitive Rotor" could be by toning down its particular cons by quite a margin, yet not removing them altogether. Overall a sweet car. Keep it up!

Birthday Contest 2023 – Announcement

Wednesday, 29th March 2023

I'm not efficient enough to finish my works in time, so I'll sit this one out. I'll be looking forward to seeing everyone's entries!

Max Attack
Semi-Pro Car

Sunday, 11th September 2022

A nice take on Xarc's P147 Turbo, but it do be a "Max Defense" kind of experience. Given it's not the strongest car around, you need to get creative with combat in order to find your place in the track. Fun and chaotic, but not ideal if you intend on racing it like any other car or without pick-ups.

Star Oil
Pro Car

Monday, 29th August 2022

You'd think it's bulky enough in the carbox, but it actually is incredibly humongous in-game. This puts famously big cars to shame. That's how big it is. And yet, within the inconveniencies of an oversized behemoth like Star Oil... The truck just *works*. Not only it does, but it offers such smooth cornering capabilities, it's almost magical. Yes, speed is out of the question and so is its deplorable acceleration for a Pro car, but who cares? You can get to drive a monolith around silly, outlandish track toys. That's enough. If you enjoy wacky heavyweights, this is a must-have.

Pro Car

Sunday, 28th August 2022

Not a single bit of this car can be associated with the word "Simplicity". You both went all-out in so many aspects that the only things reminiscent of Re-Volt that's left in it is the car box and aerial. And hear me out, that's no bad thing: More than a Re-Volt car, this is an interactive work of art; a fun one at it. 5/5 Best collaborative effort between you two to date

RC Stadium 1
Standard Track

Sunday, 28th August 2022

I love RC circuit tracks for their ability to represent circuit tracks without breaking the immersion of driving an RC car. This and RC Stadium 2 are no exception. The layout is smooth and fast-paced, with cars gliding through each corner like they're nothing; its atmosphere, vibrant and colorful. There's not a single spot in the track that doesn't have striking colors. This is my favorite track of its kind. Amazing work, Xarc!

POD: Beltane
Standard Track

Saturday, 6th August 2022

Man, I had so much fun playing Beltane in POD's demo disc. My second-to-favorite track in the game, only losing to Alderon -also found in the Demo disc-. And now, it's finally converted to RVGL -- It's as good as I remembered it being. Wide, fast-paced, with all the artistic detail that POD's equivalent of Toys in The Hood has to offer. From the road, to the buildings, to the ominous skybox. Old but gold. And although the gameplay itself doesn't translate that well into the instant-handling of Re-Volt, it is still a fun experience (If you don't mind crossroads, that is). In the end, I'm glad you're still working on this project and most of all, sharing to this scene what an underrated gem POD is. Amazing job!

User-Deli: XL
Lego Track

Sunday, 26th June 2022

First time racing in this track, the only thoughts that came to my mind were "What. WHAT? WHY WILL WE RACE THIS WEEKLY IN RVA!?" This is a weird one, like a work of art with varying perspectives; In the surface, there's a module-vomited gag that went too far and is borderline playable. But some players dug into it, and found a deeply technical course with a high skill ceiling. Don't ask me how, though, I didn't go past that unassuming surface... But even through this duality, people find joy and fierce competition between the madness of blocks. It's endearing, in it's own way... And you can't blame anyone for that. Kudos for making such a chaotic, yet competitive lego track, BGM.

Advanced Car

Wednesday, 27th April 2022

I agree with EstebanMz's statement. The handling is as pleasing as it can get, and the best color choices ever to match the experience. The big standout here is the astoundingly high top speed of ~40 MPH! With such speed, no wonder it bullies any other advanced car in its vicinity. Regardless, it's a very fun car to drive around, and I simply wouldn't want it any other way.